Proiectul open source Kamailio a anuntat participarea sa in cadrul programului Google Summer of Code 2010. Studentii dornici sa lucreze peste vara alaturi de developerii Kamailio pot sa aplice pentru aceasta pozitie pana pe 9 Aprilie 2010. Detalii despre Google Summer of Code 2010 pot fi gasite aici:
O noua versiune majora Siremis v1.0.0 devine disponibila, perfect compatibila cu Kamailio (anterior OpenSER) v3.0.0 si Siremis permite un management usor al profilurilor utilizatorilor, regulilor de least cost routing si load balancing, comunicarea cu serverul SIP in timpul functionarii si vizualizarea unor grafice de monitorizare a platformei SIP. Noutatile acestei versiuni: presence service management – watchers, active watchers and… Read more »
InfoWorld has published the Best of Open Source Software Awards 2009. Kamailio (OpenSER) has been awarded within category: Best of Open Source Networking Software. From InfoWorld site: “Award winners in network and network management are old favorites Cacti and Nagios, the IPCop firewall, Kamailio SIP proxy server, KeePass password manager, Openfiler SAN/NAS appliance, OpenNMS enterprise monitoring system, PacketFence network access… Read more »